Faded photo recovery

We scan original photos and documents, and undertake careful restoration work to bring them back to life. You’ll receive a new high resolution digital file to view on screen, make prints, and share among family and friends. We can also print and post the restored image to you.

Prices range from $60 for basic jobs to $200 plus for images requiring major restoration and reconstruction. We’ll provide an upfront estimate to restore your photo based on the amount of work that needs to be done.

For a quick quote SMS a snapshot of your photo to James on 0418 896 932.

Quality Guarantee: Restoration work is free if you are not completely happy with the result.

Photo restoration header beforePhoto restoration header after

Examples of our work

Hover your mouse or swipe over the image to compare before and after.

Mouldy and torn photo recovery

faded photo restoration beforefaded photo restoration after

Colour restoration of faded Pixi Foto from early 80s

Black and white photo colourisation beforeBlack and white photo colourisation after

Restoration and colourisation

glass stuck to photo beforeglass stuck to photo after

Stuck glass and stain removal

Recovery of missing areas, restoring image depth

Faded colour and detail recovery

silver mirroring restoration beforesilver mirroring restoration after

Recovery of oxidised areas (silver mirroring)